Or who within the PPP can non Indos rely on to protect their interests? Indos and Afros are not the only racial groups in Guyana.
These are the two groups which determine the face of Guyana politics. That is a reality even though both groups are declining.
Note that while "Indian" refers to a specific group who self identify with their ancestry from India, "African" includes people who self identify as mixed, but yet operate within the context of Afro Guyanese culture and attitudes. That might include maybe as much as 70% of the socalled mixed population.
There arent clearly defined barriers as to who is "African" and who is "mixed". Trotman says he is "African". Granger says he is "mixed". Guyanese will argue as to whether Trotman is more mixed looking than is Granger. People might also even question the degree to which Trotman operates outside of the Afro Guyanese upper middle class.
People need to understand that for political purposes there is no specific bloc called "mixed". This is a catch all group for those who dont see themselves as being of a mono ethnic background, and there maybe all sorts of reasons, beyond their immediate ancestry to explain their self identity.
Granger (more mixed looking) may be "African" because he is head of a party most tied to Africans. Trotman might self identify as mixed, to avoid being linked to a specific ethnic interest group, given that the original thrust of the AFC was to ignore ethnic politics. Who knows?
So that leaves only Amerindians as the remaining bloc. Powerless, mainly confined to the interior, and mainly uneducated and impoverished, they arent really structured to function as a separate political bloc. One doesnt enough quite know how many of them even bother to vote, or are engaged in the affairs of the state.
Reality therefore is there is maybe a 45-48% Indian voting bloc. Maybe 40-43% African/Afro identtified mixed group. Maybe 7% Amerindian (they vote less than do the others), with the remainder being a valid "mixed" group who do not chose sides based on ethnic affiliation.
Given the history of Guyana the truly swing vote among the over 35 is small. Its to the younger voters one might see a bit more fluidity and focus on issues as each voter sees it, rather than ethnic fear.