Vanessa can be a regional person if she is retained. Granger is trying to keep the hotheads and militants in check .
Please understand something. The PNC isnt the PPP. One cannot just side line hot heads. In fact the best way for the hot heads to be boiling hot it to ignore them. We saw what happened after the last PNC Congress.
The PNC isnt the top down party that the PPP is. Because Burnham is no longer around and none of those who followed him exert the control that he was able to.
Granger (and Nagamootoo) will have to deal with the "hotheads" within the PNC, just as Granger needs to stop his complex about Hughes. In fact if he wants to prevent Mark B from being a trouble maker he needs to unleash Hughes to speak to the young black youth. They will sooner listen to him than they will to Granger.
Rumors are that Hughes isnt allowed to speak in front of "certain" crowds because Granger is afraid that Hughes upstages him.