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Reply to "A Note to the Mudheads Here Who Think They're Promoting the PPP With Offensive Terms Like "Dutty Indian" From Freedom House"

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

 But is the selection and make up of the government decided by the president, or the prime minister? I haven't looked it up in the Constitution.

Knowing Burnham it is the president.  I think that each party will select from their own lists, AFC with their 12, and APNU the rest.


Having said that of Granger is being high handed, excluding those who he "THINKS" are his enemies, its a bad idea.  Solomon/Kissoon could have easily carried their vendetta against him into the election. For the good of the PNC they held off.  Granger has to make some concessions for this, or I will expect trouble.


The PNC is DEAD if Linden decides to go their own way.
