I'm surprised Caribny did not pick up on that one. If he were Surinames and he was called Juka he would see no insult in that.
Djukas are a sub group among the Suriname Maroons aren't they? So if some one uses the term Djuka as an insult it reveals on of two things.
If they are Creole they suffer deep self hatred about their African heritage, which many Creoles do by the way (see how they go out of their way to dig out what is often obscure Euro ancestry to ensure that they aren't mistaken for a Maroon).
If they aren't black then they display racism.
If I call you a "Muslim" am I insulting you? Note that for many people to be called "Muslim" is an insult. Obama can tell you all about that.
I see that loads of people ate displaying a high level of disregard for Africa and Africans here. Its a pity that they are so brainwashed by the white man.
BTW Maroons are the fastest growing group in Suriname now. The 2012 census shows them ahead of Creoles in numbers, and closing in on Indians (22% vs. 27%).