I have always wanted to live well. I got my inspiration from watching American films and walking and looking at the yards and houses at Blairmont Estate Senior Staff Compound. It wasn't covet or greed or envy of the whites. I aspire to a comfortable life style as young as I was. And living at Fatman Logie in Rosignol.
CBJ always wanted to tear down the white people standard of living. The man was the destroyer of dreams.
Ram Karran can sey what he wants, CBJ stopped pulling teeth soon after he returned to BG. Yet, he provided well for his siblings. Nothing wrong with all of that. But when people claiming he lived a frugal life style, that is a whole lot of crap. Even in the opposition benches he traveled the the world.
I have no problem with Jagdeo Mansion. The man has a class life style. I admire him in that respect. However. I wished he had used some of that desire to live well and encourage and promote classic infra-structure programs and proper housing developments for the less fortunate.
Men like Moses Nagamootoo and Ram Karran kept feeding Jagan this crap of how good and simple he is/was. Had CBJ been 10% like Jagdeo, the electorate would have been freer in mind and spirit. That should be the tesatment-not the house he lived in.
President Bharrat Jagdeo with all his Doctorates IS CORRECT, "Cheddie Jagan din live in a logie."
Ram Karran can sey wah de azz he wants-these fools just sat down and let Jagdeo steam roller dem. Jagdeo din destroy Guyana. Is the spineless leadership of the Jagans, Moses and Ram Karran allowed it to happe.
Leave the man be in his big house.