Was Jagdeo smoking cow dung?
Dear Editor,
With less than two months until the 2015 elections, the political falsehoods from that PPP pesky “cuss bird” continue to roll-in. Trying to brand himself as a regular Guyanese who toiled for his wealth, Jagdeo, the ass kicker, said at Babu Jaan – “It is not only Jagdeo and a couple of Minister who have big houses. Go around the country and you shall see what is happening.”
Well it seems this ass kicker never went to Plastic City or Pigeon Island or hundreds of other locations across the length and breadth of Guyana.
But to embellish this untruthful statement, Jagdeo went to the post Babu Jaan press conference and alleged that the founder leader of the PPP, Dr. Cheddi Jagan, lived in a mansion at Bel Air Village. Well, as a younger man, I visited Cheddi Jagan house and even ordinary taxi drivers had a similar sized houses. My conclusions were reinforced by former Speaker Ralph Ramkarran, who further exposed this political charlatan and his bagful of untruths. According to Ramkarran, “in the early 1960’s Dr. Cheddi Jagan purchased the plot of land for $2,000″. Ramkarran stated that a house was built with three bedrooms upstairs and a small study, a small kitchen and a living room downstairs.
My recollection of the downstairs is exactly as Ramkarran said it. What really was this fella smoking or drinking at Babu Jaan? Piwari with cow dung?
The ass kicker has now moved to besmirching the great legacy of Dr. Cheddi Jagan, as a means to explaining his personal wealth that seems to have no audit trail or no legitimate sources. But that Protestant Pastor warned us before, when he told us “they came for the Jews and we did not speak up”.
Well let me tell KING KONG this; we all are Courtney Crum-Ewing, we all have our bull horns and we all shall continue speaking up until you and your thieving clan are banished from power.
Sase Singh