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Reply to "A sin for Jagdeo to use Dr. Jagan to justify his Cadillac lifestyle – Ralph Ramkarran"

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Suh Nadira want Jagdeo to live hand to mouth like CBJ(according to those who claimed the Jagans had a frugal life-style)


CBJ did not dream big enough. His dream was destruction-chase the white man and their investments out of BG. Soon perhaps, the sugar workers will feel the brunt of CBJ aspirations.


They too will have to live hand to mouth.


Jagdeo is a modern man, living in a modern world.


HE IS HIS OWN MAN. Cult worship is not his baggage. If Indoes stupid enough to follow him when he call the name of Jagan, then dem stupid.


I think Indian people gone past the Jagans a long time ago. And so, also is the old guard of the PPP party. Dem nah offended wah JAGDEO SAID.



Okay, Siggy, let's set aside Jagan for a moment.

Big bad Burnham didn't build a mansion when he was president or prime minister before that. He ruled for nearly 21 years.

Desmond Hoyte didn't build a mansion when he was president. He ruled for 7 years and lived in his own house on North Road that he bought with his income and bank loan.

In the context of Guyana, a small poor country with less than one million people, Jagdeo's swift acquisition of two mansions must raise eyebrows and questions of concern.

It doesn't mean that he has to live in a logie.

Believe me, the extravagant lifestyles of the PPP elite will certainly be an election issue.

The despicable things going on Guyana stems from the lack of authority. The crooks are every where. The lack of fearing God makes it a free for all by the bullies. They are like mafioli. It is not only in Guyana. Recently, I believe it is Saunders who wrote an article about the lawlessness of Indo-Guyanese living in the States. I am tempted to say Guyana does not have the laws to curb corruption, but America has the laws and eventually brings judgement to lawbreakers. Yet, Indo-Guyanse excel in their crimes. Is like Kulie people are generally crooks. It is an inherent trait going back to India. It is in the genes to subject fellow people into servitude. Jagdeo life style certainly brings that into focus. His benefit package will make Guyanese work forever for him until he is dead. Shame. That, I doan think he has (shame)-likewise all the others who have cheated the citizens of Guyana.


Commentators have said, during the PNC years, Indo-Guyana were psychologically damaged. They became thieves just to survive-maybe only the ones with crime in their genes. The influential ones, made deals-you give me this and I will give that. Then, their were the bullies who simply took. And Jagdeo just took whatever he needed. Moses Nagamootoo agreed to it, Ralph Ramkarran agreed to it, Janet Jagan agreed to it, CBJ anointed him. The Opposition under Corbin sold the rights to Jagdeo. Suh, President Jagdeo had it free for all. The only man who stood up was C.N. Sharma. And no one backed him.


They say, the public has a short memory.


Jagdeo is still a young man, just think how many more years he could be around in the PPP. He could pull off a Putin, and no one will oppose him in the party.


But Nadira could banish him. She needs to do it. To correct her parents mistake. If she truly believes her parents party was a working class party( I believe the party was more for Stalin's interest), then she needs to start a movement to banish Bharrat Jagdeo from the Peoples Progressive Party.


Any, after this election, Jagdeo going to have a long distance relationship with the PPP. He be living in Florida permanently. Because the wicked gat no peace-Khemraj Ramjattan goan see to that. Jail waiting for some of them or they getting away from Guyana like dem Putucs.  
