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Reply to "A Victory for the P.P.P/C is a Victory for all Guyanese"

Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by albert:

The accomplishments made by the P.P.P/C is of benefit to all Guyanese especially those of the working class....the masses will endorse the peoples progressive party civic......and let progress continue...
What have the accomplished? We have no robust small manufacturing, and our major industries are in the pits. Get it in your head that we are a society on the dole that has never accrued a productive capacity to deliver even 50% of what it needs.

It has never done that in its entire existence. Throwing other peoples money at projects ( with large percentages going to graft) is not progress. Check the pillage of the ramotar clan if you want to know what I mean. It simply give rise to a pradoville caste while the rest of the nation waits for the next begging cycle to begin.

On the social side our people are still in poverty, the court system is still non functioning with backlogs increasing rather than decreasing. The fact that a case with respect to our last elections dispute has not been called up is an example of this.

There are many accomplishents made by the PPP. You are too engrossed in your hatred for humans to notice them. The fact is that Guyanese are better off today than when they took over in 1992 spells volumes.
They made themselves rich. They farmed to their leech buddies a bridge we could have built and owned for cheap. We have an under used stadium and a crippled sugar plant and all significant industries are suffocating.

Building malls to sell cheap chinese goods or opening fast food joints and holding ribbon cutting ceremonies or giving away the nations money so a drug lord can build a hotel for resale to another neafarous character represents their kind of thinking.

As I asked; where are the brick kilns, small forges and machinist shops or small engine plants. We do not even make a toilet bowl or a bottle despite having an abundance of silica.