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Admin: I am calling for baseman to be suspended

I do not usually support set suspension or any kind of censorship but when someone is being malicious in ways that can get people into unnecessary trouble by baseless accusations, including losing their freedoms and jobs that is serious and he needs to be banned or suspended. 

Please read:

politikalamity posted:
ba$eman posted:

Why do you think they prefer ISIS over Assad?  Maybe the same reason you prefer them too!

Listen you buffoon, where did I ever say I support ISIS? I am just trying to have a debate with you by not taking any position, but you being the binary idiot you are only can see things one of two ways.

 Do you think it’s funny calling, or implying, anyone who disagrees with you “ISIS supporter”, “terrorist” or “terrorist sympathizers”? Are you a fool. Do you not know that these forums are monitored and you can complicate people’s lives with your baseless accusations?

 You think that shit is funny? Look I will call for Admin to suspend you, you have done this to me and others once too often. Your baseless accusations must stop and as a lesson you should also be suspended.



If this guy is not dealt with appropriately them please remove my membership and all my personal info from this site and your data base.


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