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Reply to "AFC chief crook (Cathy Hughes) exposing other crooks."

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Crook doan mean teefin only Redux, you need to get a proper dictionary.


Like you already forget Cathy and her husband being paid by Amalia falls principals and then going to parliament and voting on the very said bill to benefit these gangsters. You doan remember that do you?


I can go on but do your own research and shock your memory back into reality.

dude, (i) for all kinds of complex reasons, the AFC as a party supported the Amaila Falls boondoggle when it came down to crunch time . . . to place that unfortunate decision at the feet of NIGEL HUGHES (not an MP) and his wife is an exercise in INVIDIOUS scampishness


(ii) please provide the evidence that Nigel Hughes (lawyer) profited beyond transactional remuneration for his ['un-secret'] turn as incorporating secretary to the AFHP local subsidiary


(iii) being a "chief crook" requires some kind of scale to be credible and outside the boundaries of petit slander . . . so please explain how Kathy Hughes' ['un-secret'] early PR work for the same local AFHP outfit (i was one of the early, most vociferous and outspoken critics of this tone deaf political blunder) rises to the (PPP??) level of criminality u are slyly portraying here

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