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Reply to "AFC emasculated after signing Valentine’s Day Accord – independent commentators"

APNU+AFC must not discount the opinions of people like Ramon Gaskin and Dr Henry Jeffrey. I have observed that more and more coalition supporters and ex-coalition supporters expressing concern about the status of the AFC in the government vis a vis the Cummingsburg Accord, as well as the general performance of the coalition.

Yesterday on Facebook, for example, coalition supporter Sasenarine Singh posted this allegorical verse from William Butler Yeats ---- "Hurrah for revolution and more cannon-shot!
A beggar upon horseback lashes a beggar on foot.
Hurrah for revolution and cannon come again!
The beggars have changed places, but the lash goes on." You can decode that easily.

And, this morning APNU+AFC supporter Rajendra Bisessar wrote the following on his Facebook Timeline: "we need to induce a new politics. The body politics of this country has been screwed badly. We need to develop independent minds that can resist the navel string syndrome. This is how we begin to hold governments, any government, accountable. This is how we can get Guyana moving forward. leaders have got to learn, or be forced taught that those who are critical are not pariahs to be shunted aside and marginalised. Marginalisation of those who exercise independent minds, who are not afraid to be critical would reduce the possible creativity and vision of any government. Unfortunately there is a tendency for leaders to bring close to them those who have mastered the art of kowtowing. These leaders do injustice to themselves and those they serve." Bisessar was a APNU+AFC candidate in the elections last year. 

Of course, one can expect Guyana Times and the PPP to make big propaganda with these views. The coalition needs to take stock periodically and address the concerns expressed by its supporters. Ditto the AFC.

