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Reply to "AFC fell asleep at the switch by supporting the racist PNC"

All revenue streams must be accounted for and scrutinized by our Assembly

April 20, 2014 | By | Filed Under AFC Column, Features / Columnists 

By Khemraj Ramjattan AFC Leader For several years now I have been pointing out as point-person for economics and finance amongst our AFC Parliamentarians that the PPP has been hiding monies from us by not placing substantial sums into the Treasury (or what is called the Consolidated Fund). Rather this Government properly referred to as a kleptocracy by its former executive member Ralph Ramkarran, has been flagrantly hiving off these sums by keeping them in a number of bank accounts within agencies. This, of course, is wholly illegal and unconstitutional conduct by the Ministry of Finance, it being conduct that is contrary article 216 of the Constitution and a violation of section 85 of the Financial Management and Accountability Act of 2003. This year in my Budget presentation I repeated a number of the arguments. This year these arguments have somehow been appreciated more by those who have heard them. Since I do not read from a written script and Hansard will be ready with my 2014 presentation in another two weeks’ time, I today extract from my 2012 presentation these similar points. This 2012 presentation was not played on NCN at all. Rather, 38 seconds into it, NCN replaced me and then showed the movie “To Kill A Mockingbird”. “Mr Speaker, we in this country can only know, first of all, whether we are having all the moneys in the Budget, in the Consolidated Fund, if we are honestly having them placed there. We cannot, in a Budget debate, state whether indeed this is all the moneys. National Industrial Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL) has moneys; Guyana Geology and Mines Commission a separate account; moneys are there in the Guyana Forestry Commission; the bank, Guyana National Cooperative Bank (GNCB) its Unit Collection or the Collection Unit got money. They, however, are not brought to book into our Consolidated Fund from which we now, as Parliamentarians, can have total scrutiny. That is why I fear that, yes, we have a good Budget, but when we feel that the amount is only $192 billion that we have to disburse, in accordance with what the Minister proposed in his Appropriation Bill, it may not very well reflect what actually the true amount is! It is obvious that this Minister knew that we are going to get some moneys out of a certain deal by selling off the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company (GT&T)  shares for US$30 million -   US$25 million now, US$5 million later on. This US$25 million shares sold to this Chinese company called the  Datang Telecom Technology & Industry is not reflected in our Consolidated Fund.  It is going to be reflected somewhere in NICIL’s fund. Land has been sold to Guyana Bank of Trade and Industry (GBTI) to build up that beautiful bank there.  A lot of transactions have been done. We do not see them reflected here. This action breaches another requirement of our Constitution, that when we now are going to expend moneys, as we are here for, as of tomorrow, in the Committee of Supply, we are not  going to have, what is called, any power to disapprove or approve or cut in relation to those large sums of moneys.  In this budget presentation, the Hon. Minister  Dr. Ashni Singh indicated that there will be a Marriott Hotel built, but there is  nowhere in any Project profile where I see  that we have to approve such a major project. So there will be, in accordance with our Constitution, a violation committed, because moneys will be spent to that magnitude without Parliamentary approval! I do not know for certain but it is going to be over $27 B (Guy) that the Government in going to put in to that Marriott Hotel project, one way or the other, through equity or guarantee behind the scene. We will not be approving it because this is a stream of revenue that is totally outside of the Budget. We have to put a halt to this in this National Assembly as of this new dispensation. All the streams of money must come into this Budget and Consolidated Fund, so we then with eagle eyes can take a position on appropriation. I want to state that there are a lot of other revenue streams, that we are suspecting there might be, and it is for that reason that a couple of days ago I did ask the Minister, through a letter, that we would like to know where statements of balances  are in respect of certain institutions. We would appreciate receiving from you, Mr. Minister, a statement of balances as of December 31st 2012. This letter was written on April the 12th, 2012. I know it is short a time for a Minister to probably get all the information, but I am certain that it is gettable, and it is in respect of what are  Government’s moneys that are not in the Consolidated Fund…. yes the NICIL’s money…..Why is it not in the Bank of Guyana? Most specifically, what is in the NICIL’s bank accounts, if there is more than one? What is in the Guyana Forestry Commission’s bank account? What is in the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission’s bank account? The Guyana Gold Board? The GNCB’s Debt Collection Unit? The Lotto Fund? And other significant balances, including the amount held by Ministries which should have been repaid into the Consolidated Fund? Then is when we are going to know if there is more money, or if there is not more money, to pay old age pensioners. You cannot take half of the money, hide it up somewhere and then come here with a Budget saying that the Consolidated Fund can only fund these projects. That is wrong! That is absolutely wrong and it is a breach of the Constitution. There is an additional revenue stream which is very important. A lot of people who get contracts in this country get a lot of duty-free exemptions on cars and other items, plus all manner of duty-free exemptions. I would ask the Minister to provide the concession on duties, and particulars to all tax waivers, concessions and duties by sectors, over the period 2010/2011. We will have a fair idea of where it is going…. if it is favouritism. We have in this National Assembly noted that certain people and a company were given tax exemptions when it was illegal. We had to come back into this National Assembly to legalise an illegality. This is another stream which we must know the amount and the beneficiaries. The exercise here has to do with transparency and accountability, concepts the President, His Excellency Mr. Donald Ramotar, came here and spouted a lot about. Let us get that kind of information, so we will know.”
