quote:Originally posted by Mr.T:
Bai Pavi, when you say you sorry your mouth stink of lies. Before Jagdeo most of these canecutters could buy a lot more with their earnings than what they can do now. The PPP has used and abused canecutters as voting slaves. But every time when it comes to payback for the canecutters, it turns out payback is a bitch.
Conclusion: as far as the PPP is concerned canecutters are expendable, and anyone trying to help them is a bad person. One can only conclude that now the PPP got cocaine to shore up their election coffers, the canecutters are an embarrassment to the PPP.
You are a DUNCE, plain nd simple. I dont need to discuss atopic with you that you have NO knowledge of. sTART AT Basic math and when you get to Math 120, we can talk DUNCE.