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Reply to "AFC in solidarity with the Sugar Workers of Blairmont Estate"

Originally posted by BGurd_See:
It is unfortunate that people like churchrat and other AFC/PNC supporters are misguiding the sugar workers in Guyana for political gain. The industry has to move away from manual labor in order to be competitive on world markets. These charlatans in the AFC/PNC are hoodwinking the sugar workers into believing that cutting cane is a sustainable profession and non perpetuation of a dankey cart economy. ahahaha

FYI ...I have always supported the PPP and there are many like myself within the PPP overseas support structure who believe that the Jagdeo/Ramoutar clique has screwed the working people of Guyana especially the sugar workers.....

I know for a fact that the strikning sugar workers at Blairmont invited the AFC in after their complaints fell on deaf ears...

One member of the Jagdeo/Ramoutar clique was a PNC appointee at GUYSUCO and was stationed at Blairmont in the late seventie/early eighties....this person who holds a fake PhD was very abusive to the workers when he was stationed there....he now sits on the GUYSUCO board whilst he resides in the USA....

The sugar workers are fighting for what they earn honestly whilst this guys goes home on GUYSUCO's is rumoured that he even claimed expenses for trips he made to guyana to campaign for ramoutar....