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Reply to "AFC in solidarity with the Sugar Workers of Blairmont Estate"

This is what is called a "wild cat" strike, not supported by GAWU. We have to be careful not to try to take GAWU's place. The sugar industry is facing a crisis and is heading for closure and/or bankruptcy. The AFC cannot allow itself to be used as scapegoat for any loss of workers' job. This is essentially the union's problem, and we are here in solidarity with you, the workers, and not to replace the union.

And so, this is the AFC’s position:

1. We are NOT opposed to resumption of production
2. The return to work has to be conditional;:
(a) no victimisation of any worker/union rep
(b) no loss of man days
(c) union/management should report to workers within 2 weeks on solution to problems.

Good job Gerhard. Keep the pressure on.