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Reply to "AFC is a powerful voice in the Coalition Govt – Ramjattan"

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Well well well.  Weren't you the first Black Nationalist to bad mouth the AFC and say they are a dead party.  I agreed with you then.  Why are you talking about Amerindian?  Are they the AFC?  Come on, drink some thyme leaf tea and stay focused on what we are talking about.

In fact the AFC serves as a vehicle for those who cannot bring themselves to vote PNC.  And that is exactly why APNU AFC and NOT the PPP now control the city councils of Lethem and Mabaruma.

Now you can act like a bundle of female hormones and not recognize the facts but it is what it is.

Please explain why the PPP won 8 city council seats in 1994 and only 2 in 2016.  And even these two were "top up" seats, not victory in any district within the city.  G/T is at least 30% Indian, more than that in some parts, and yet this is the best that the PPP can do?

I think that the AFC gets some G/T Indo support too.  This because they don't want to vote PPP and cannot  vote PNC.

So that is the role of the AFC. It isn't meant to win any elections.  Its there to allow people to vote against the PPP, and who refuse to vote PNC in order to do so.

So the AFC isn't going anywhere so if the PPP thinks that they will battle the PNC on its own they dream.  It will be APNU AFC.

So let the PPP scream that it is "mobilizing the East Indian vote".  Yes this being 40-43% of the voting age population by 2020.

The role of the AFC is to provide a platform for the PNC to create corruption and destruction.  And for people like you who have absolutely nothing to do with your time to scream and wail that Blackman guh deh pan tap. 

Bibi Haniffa