A Granger/Nagamootoo-led coalition will prevail
DEAR EDITOR, In this election season, as patriotic Guyanese, we must not allow this opportunity to slip by in light of the direction in which the inept and corrupt PPP regime is taking the country. We are speaking of a coalition government between APNU and the AFC led by two true patriots and sons of the soil, David Granger and Moses Nagamootoo. When all is said and done, these two real heroes would make it into the history books as the saviours of Guyana. History will show that these extraordinary men have put their lives on the line and stood up for not just themselves but risked their lives and their political future for the good of Guyana and for those mired in poverty. All the propaganda in the world cannot stop them because on May 11, the coalition will defeat the PPP, form the government, and change the course of history for Guyana. The leaders of APNU and the AFC will take the conscious responsibility to form a coalition for the progress of the people and society. It is said that nothing happens before its time and that God has the final say. However, in politics it is believed nothing happens by chance, but rather, someone has to cause something to happen, and so in this election year the leaders of APNU and the AFC are making things happen. Among other things, they will reduce corruption and crime, create employment for the youths and those who want to work, provide free post-secondary education to the poor, establish the Procurement Commission, and unlike the PPP regime, they will respect the Constitution and the rule of law and put the interests of the country and the people first. It is admirable to say the least, to see the peaceful and dignified approach by the opposition in making the ultimate sacrifice to save Guyana from the wretched PPP regime in 2015, and for Guyanese to live by the creed that they are each other’s brothers and sisters’ keepers. It comes as no surprise that the Movement towards a coalition government is growing in popularity and attracts the attention of everyone, including the PPP General Secretary, who spent half of his press conference last Monday talking about the coalition. It shows that not only the General Secretary is desperate, but the entire the PPP cabal is afraid that they will lose the election. Why is the PPP General Secretary so concerned about the coalition or what APNU and the AFC do? Did he not say that the PPP will win the elections? The PPP is so nervous that it has embarked on vulgar, abusive, cuss-downs and character assassination of those who criticize them. They have become even more irrational and have totally lost touch with reality and with the people. Ramotar is a big failure, but for the PPP cabal to put Jagdeo to essentially head their election campaign shows that they are in ruin. Jagdeo has the most dismal record as president of Guyana. He is the most despised politician in Guyana. He has hurt so many people that no one wants to see him much less listen to his deceitful statements. He has done absolutely nothing positive for this country. He has destroyed Guyana environmentally, socially and economically. The leaders of the coalition will have to restore our beautiful nation after the election. In this election year, Guyanese must be concerned about the billions of dollars being spent without any oversight from Parliament which was dissolved by the do-nothing President since November 10 of last year and the millions that the cabal will take from the treasury and the foreign reserves for their election campaign. The PPP is a primitive and backward-thinking dictatorial political regime that lacks the ability to govern which is a big part of the lack of progress in Guyana. The PPP is immature and innately guttural and should not be re-elected to office on May 11. Asquith Rose Chandra Deolall Dr. Merle Spenser-Marks