To be fair, it's not only Sextus Edwards and Balwant Persaud who have questioned the AFC's financial accountability practice. Haseef Yusuf did it too. As I said before, where there is smoke there should be fire. The AFC owes its members at least an explanation and should address the issue honestly.
Balwant Singh says he will campaign for the PPP now. Fine.
If Balwant thinks, however, that the PPP is better and cleaner than the AFC where party finances are concerned, he is mistaken.
In all the PPP congresses I attended from 1971 to 1988, the PPP presented financial statements as required by the party constitution. Those statements gave a few items relating to revenues [mainly fundraising like corn house/bingo, gymkhana, fair, raffle, etc], a general description of expenditure and the difference, which was always a small amount.
For 28 years the PPP was in opposition and things were bad according to those financial statements, yet the party was able to pay all its staff and expand-renovate Freedom House. How did the PPP do it?
The truth is that the ruling Soviet Communist Party [Russia] was subsidizing the PPP with lots of money every year, but those sums were never disclosed in the party's financial statements to its members at congresses.
The PPP leadership got away with that deception. Moses Nagamootoo should know about the Soviet money and that's one skeleton he can take out of Freedom House closet.
The AFC has Zero credibility left.
They cannot harp about corruption when there are revelations of massive amounts of money allegedly missing and yet the leadership refuse to account for it, refuse to provide audited financial statements in accordance to their own constitution and chastise those in the party who demand accountability.
Anyone in the AFC who question the abuse of funds are either kicked out, labelled a traitor or are forced to resign out of frustration.
Let us calla spade a spade.
So Burnham was Right
PPP Lost the Some of the
Brightest & Best in Guyana....
Between 1950 - 1992
And Now....
PPP Can only attract
those Crab Louse
from the Bottom Of The Barrel
Between 1998 - 2015