Rev, I know the others switched parties. Please tell me which Party Balram Singh Rai went to? Please tell me what Rai said to Forbes Burnham when he Kabaka offered him any cabinet position he wanted?
Rai ought not be categorized with Teekah, Chandi, Moses and Ramjattan.
Mistake on my part---I should have omitted him from the list of traitors and turncoats.
My dad actually viewed Rai as a principled man---and had Cheddi listened to Rai things would have been different in Guyana.
Listen! I never supported Cheddi and his communist nonsense---and we all know Forbes ran circles around Cheddi.
Having said that I was pleased when Cheddi took over in 1992----the world had changed---the PNC had bankrupted Guyana----and I rooted for Cheddi.
Thank you for clearing that up. I agree with the last paragraph.