I can't get over it.
As soon as I saw TK in the APNU release, I suspected an earthquake was going to take place. This looks more like a vindictive move on their part--going to PNC (Oops, APNU). They will regret it.
I was not totally surprised. TK, like others are despondent and seeking the spotlight and struggling for relevance. The issues of the AFC and complex and multi-fold and reflects the personalities of the people. There is a mix of vindictiveness, personal animosity and selfish corruption at work. It also reflect issues of the Indian community and why Indian will always be a dysfunctional people when left to their own devices.
The hijack of the NY apparatus by a clan of Indians and friends were the death nail for the AFC. When Trotman was leader, there was wide participation in party operations. After Ramjattan took over, it was his clan who moved in and made it their personal domain deciding who is in and who is out. The few used their money to control everyone. This bred enormous bitterness.
I'm surprised the Ramjattan claimed ignorance to the issues in the NY chapter. It was all over the internet and in hundreds of emails which he was party to. This bitterness started before the last elections but was held in check due to electoral priorities and the personal hatred of the AFC "kuhlies" against the PPP Indians. The same attributes which bread the hatred of the PPP also manifested in hatred for each other in the AFC. Every Indian thinks he should be king or king maker. Remember, the AFC was filled with PPP defectors who wanted their own little kingdoms.
Baseman saw these issues early but they were convinced at winning, something which I could not see. I don't see any hope for the AFC and limited hope for the PPP unless they move for further diversification.
Guyana's hope is not in the PPP or PNC, but in a national Govt born out of a merger of these two political forces. Nothing else will work, this I am convinced.
This is a nice piece. Your conclusion seems innocent and and you mean well. However, you will not get rid of the PPP and PNC any time soon. The two party system is here to stay. As Dr Khemraj wrote on SN blog, there might be enough of a voting bloc willing to vote on issues and ditch personalities. That we we have regular change in government like TT. You will never have the pure party.
Baseman does not seek perfection, just pragmatism. A national front Govt including the PPP an PNC is the only hope for Guyana.
A Notional Front Govt has NEVER been successful buy MAYBE Guyana will be able to pull it off.
The definition of insanity is to try the same thing every time and expect a different result. BTW, not "Notional", we have had that for nearly 60 years.