Dr Tarron Khemraj, Dr Rose and Businessman Mukraj
entering into an arrangement with APNU
to develop structures to
(1)... “improve governance,
(2).....national unity and ...
(3).... advance human development.”
This could end up be a strategic move by Dr Tarron Khemraj,
Firstly......To get the Ball rolling.....
the PNC Leadership
will have to apologize for
all the Crimes, Corruption, Thieving,
Rigging Elections and all the many other wrong things
they have done in their 28 years of Govt....
The heart of the matter is ....
a sincere apology...
then the healing process begin....
Now we await eagerly on the apology
and on the Dust to settle.....
After the PNC Apology....we have to see....
How will APNU develop structures to......
“improve governance,"
Then....we have to see.....
How will APNU develop structures to
"promote national unity"
How will APNU develop structures to
"advance human development"
Let us see....
Dr TK might be on to something....