You arent going to tell me that the likes of the Luckhoos, and Shridath Ramphal, all of which moved on to have regional and/or intrenational prominence, were tokens. They didnt need Burnham. Burnham needed THEM!
Now aside from Roger Luncheon I invite you to discuss the names of the AfroGuyanese who have the leadership and decision making capabilities and the clout that these, and several other IndoGuyanese had under Burnham.
The point is if you accuse the PNC of being racist towards Indians, and there is some merit in that view point, then the PPP stands doubly accused of being racist towards blacks. Just open up any Guyanese newspere and note who is #1, and #2 in almost all state controlled entities. Aside from the Gov of the Bank of Guyana, I cant think of any. And I do not think that the Bank of GY enters into the day to day determination of resource allocations.
President Burnham certainly needed them. My reading said one of hem helped to write the constitution? In that case President Burnham needed them.