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Originally Posted by Errol:
Originally Posted by Spice Girl:
Originally Posted by Rev:



I can't get over it.

As soon as I saw TK in the APNU release, I suspected an earthquake was going to take place. This looks more like a vindictive move on their part--going to PNC (Oops, APNU). They will regret it.




I couldn't agree with you more.  I have followed TK's musings for a while and have great respect for his integrity, intellect and insights.  However, I think he has made the biggest political blunder in his short political career. I did not hear him say that he had any profound disagreement with the AFC over policy matters, just that they did not seek his counsel nor listen to him.  I wish him good luck if he believes that that will change in APNU.  If indeed he had any issues with his party the appropriate thing to do might have been to stay and fight it, not to cut and run.  This is especially so since, from my reading, his party had no issues with him.  In any case, I wish him well.


After the Dust settles.....
Only then we can tell what the defections
does to the PNC or PPP as far as cleaning up their mess...
and being prepared for the next elections...
First let us examine 
Jagdeo & Ramotar Camp....with their PNC Defectors
A Bu@@er Man, Child Molester, Treason Accused, Criminal
all Black PNC House of Isreal Thugs, Rapist & Killers...
GDF & PNC Official thieves
who Rigged Elections & Stole Ballot Boxes for PNC
Implicated in the Murder of Walter Rodney,
Smuggling Narco, Guns, Gold in Guyana 
APNU Chairman David Granger [fourth left) and executive Joseph Harmon [right) with the three AFC defectors: Rab Mukraj [left), Dr Asquith Rose and Tarron Khemraj

APNU Chairman David Granger (fourth left)

and executive Joseph Harmon (right) with the three AFC defectors:


PNC got Three young Guyanese Professionals
PPP got the Worst Black PNC House of Isreal
Thugs, Bandits, Rapist, Murderers, Drug Smugglers
and GDF Ballot Box & Election Thieves...
According to Anil Nandalall...
Who was a rising star in Freedom House....
PPP end up with "Big Larwa"...
and today "carry De PNC Big-Godey"
He said...Despite objections at the highest level
these PNC Thugs were came to
 Freedom House & Office of the President
as part of a Private Deal between Corbin & Bharat
to protect Crime, Corruption & Narco Interest
As we wait for the Dust to Settle
Granger & PNC supporters must be saying
I have been waiting.......
And Anil &  PPP Supporters singing
"Bharrat & Ramotar Bruck dem Up"



Last edited by Former Member