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Reply to "AFC Uitvlugt meeting attracts 'handful'-Demerara Waves"

CaribJ, you're confusing me.

Were you not complaining the last time around that the AFC failed to make a dent (voteswise) in the PPP IndoGuyanese support base?

Surely then, you must realize that Regions 5 and 6 must be put in play for the AFC to break through this time around. The ground campaign in those 2 regions will take disproportionate effort and resources to make a difference (IMHO) given the overwhelming, built-in advantages of the PPP (media, incumbency & 'intangibles') that they do not enjoy in Region 4.

To argue that the AFC has abandoned Regions 4 and 10 to the APNU/PNC is just not true. To aim at re-arranging deck chairs (somewhat - since APNU will get their share of the 'ethnic' vote) in AfroGuyanese strongholds whilst conceding Berbice to the regime is not good strategy if you plan to win . . . remember, this is now a true 3-horse race.