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Reply to "AFC Uitvlugt meeting attracts 'handful'-Demerara Waves"

Originally posted by redux:
CaribJ, you're confusing me.

Were you not complaining the last time around that the AFC failed to make a dent (voteswise) in the PPP IndoGuyanese support base?

Surely then, you must realize that Regions 5 and 6 must be put in play for the AFC to break through this time around. The ground campaign in those 2 regions will take dispropionate effort and resources to make a difference (IMHO) given the overwhelming, built-in advantages of the PPP (media, incumbency & 'intangibles') that they do not enjoy in Region 4.

To argue that the AFC has abandoned Regions 4 and 10 to the APNU/PNC is just not true. To aim at re-arranging deck chairs (somewhat - since APNU will get their share of the 'ethnic' vote) in AfroGuyanese strongholds whilst conceding Berbice to the regime is not good strategy if you plan to win . . . remember, this is now a true 3-horse race.

Caribj does sound like a rumbling weed he is all over the map one day the PPP is racist next day PNC is racist he is pnc but he likes the AFC who knows where the heck this guy is.
