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Reply to "AFC Uitvlugt meeting attracts 'handful'-Demerara Waves"

Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by redux:
CaribJ, you're confusing me.

Were you not complaining the last time around that the AFC failed to make a dent (voteswise) in the PPP IndoGuyanese support base?

Surely then, you must realize that Regions 5 and 6 must be put in play for the AFC to break through this time around. The ground campaign in those 2 regions will take disproportionate effort and resources to make a difference (IMHO) given the overwhelming, built-in advantages of the PPP (media, incumbency & 'intangibles') that they do not enjoy in Region 4.

To argue that the AFC has abandoned Regions 4 and 10 to the APNU/PNC is just not true. To aim at re-arranging deck chairs (somewhat - since APNU will get their share of the 'ethnic' vote) in AfroGuyanese strongholds whilst conceding Berbice to the regime is not good strategy if you plan to win . . . remember, this is now a true 3-horse race.

If the AFC cannot simultaneously make inroads into the Indo vote while seeking to expand their share into the PNC bloc they dont deserve to win. Region 4 has MORE Indian votes than Region 6, indeed it has 40% of the voters> How can you win if you ignore this the point where the voters now ignore you by refusing to attend your meetings.

Reality says that the PNC vote is softer. Why? they have never won a free and fair election on their own and are clearly quite demoralized, confused and their supportt base disappointed with them. So why ignore this group?

You can wish all you want but we have yet to see a well attended AFC meeting in Gtwn. We saw many in 2006. Why not now? I await your comments. I look forward to you proving to me that the AFC is packed with "intelligent amateurs" who opine at length and forget that they get no where unless they have a support base. ANd if people refuse their meetings clearly they do not have this.

You do the AFC no service by encouraging them to push their head in teh sand and ignore the onbvious. THEY HAVE LOST GTWN VOTERS!!!!

Also dont worry about "APNU?". At least they are honest enough to know they cant win and are trying desperately to hold on to the little that they had in the past. Their problem is that more AfroGuyanese than they care to admit will vote PPP as they feel this party is bound to win so they might as well position themselves to drink some soup. This will be especially true of the professionals and business men.

Caribj bwoy, you are being a true victim of your own interpretations. Doan tek on worries, yuh shudda been at Linden las' nite!