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Reply to "AFC wants to destroy Dr. Jagan's PPP and replace it with a PNC dictatorship."

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks.


The AFC wheels are now flying off. Rocked with scandals involving top brass members escalated the downfall of the AFC.


Moses received sympathy votes that gave rise to the most rotten and disgraceful party in Guyana's history.


Power Hungry Rumjhaat and Neemakharam want to destroy Dr. Jagan's PPP and replace it with a PNC dictatorship.


Actions speak louder than words and every effort to enhance and develop Guyana was blocked by the AFC. These rotten politicians must be stopped from selling out Indo Guyanese.


Stop giving them a lil change. Hang on to your wallets and starve these maga daag politicians who are fighting to sell the nation out to the PNC.


The PPP tieing bundle with the APNU to hold off on elections. But the PNC faction goan leff the PPP at the alter of the unholy alliance. Then the APNU goan go to the parliament to vote yes for the no-confidence motion. And when the PPP claim that AFC is joining wid the PNC, the PNC goan turn around and sey but they were will to join wid us to cheat the people of Guyana from having democracy.
