quote:Originally posted by Mitwah:
Way to go AFC!!!
The AFC will need to work hard to organize these youths to spread the message and to bring out the supporters to vote on election. The youths who have lost hope in the the PPP and PNC tend to stay away. The speakers are right to point out to the youths that make a decision on issues and not on race; jobs and security are the primary issues.
You finally get my point. Their needs to be less talk and more action. What plans does the AFC have on election day to ensure the disaffected not only complain about teh PPPNC but actually vote? You only have two months left.
Dont hold your head on high and think you have the moral high ground (you think) so the votes are bound to come. While youths will agree that job opportunities matter do they think that the AFC will do well enough to have the clout to aavance its agenda in this regard? And if you do well will you remember them, as the PPPNC have long forgotten them?