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Reply to "AFC Youth Forum, Corriverton, Aug 28 2011"

Albert I was at a meeting last night 20 youths in berbice a PPP meeting I was working at.

The biggest question that came up from a young man was how do we expect to sustain and grow economic success with the levels of corruption in govt today.

The specific points he asked was if you want anything done in govt you have to leff a small piece.

The other thing the young man pointed out was that and these are his words "we know the PPP tiefin left right and center" we see the corruption in pradoville and all over the place where they are going from poor to super rich over night in the political arena how as a country are we going to be able to sustain that.

His point was that if those monies are being syphoned off the society as a whole is paying the price somewhere because that means less roads or poor quality roads will be built. Fishermen will not have safety equipment, radios, GPS beacons etc. on their boats because the govt will not have money to spend on these essential services.

He pointed out that many parts of the east coast and berbice does not have ambulance and or fire services, these are key and his point is that with all this stealing left right and center the people are losing out on the basic essentials of a society while the political class is getting super rich and building mansions.

What is your take?