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Reply to "AFC Youth Forum, Corriverton, Aug 28 2011"

Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Originally posted by kidmost:
Originally posted by SuperMike:
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally posted by SuperMike:
Anita cannot even read from script properly rass,,my 8 year ole daughter willdo a far better job that this piece of trash they pick up from Liberty. cheers
Come on Super, we can agree to disagree on our political positions, but let's not get this low. Cool, bro? cheers

This is the best you guys could have found in NA? Come on Gerhard, these two girls was miserable in their presentation and for university students their reading was poor bro. My eight year ole daughter will do a far better job than them bro.I am astounded by the audience too, this looks so fake bro, a set of children that had no clue as to what was happening there … these kids were struggling to stay focus bro. This is downright foolish, stupid and the most asinine stroke from amongst the many you guys have displayed during your campaign. I am sorry bro but this was a very cheap stunt which will only serve to further hurt the AFC image.

Be it as it may the fact is they had the gut and gall to go public unlike some who claim to have brass balls. I admire their bravery and courage we need more like them . One does not have to be eloquent just have the balls to go out and do it . Better than dem pu55ies in PPP anyday .

We can depend on Kidmost to put things into perspective. Well said. flag

yall better hire he rass den ...cause the pack ah jokers yall gat including Rumjattan surely naa put anyting int perspective..and yu drunkig self ain't leaving hey to andn fight in the trenches for the ning-kan-poop party you so sure will win the coming elections...i will address this with Tratman when i go back.