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Reply to "AFC's Rally at Parade Ground"

And you care for the Guyanese People??? Talk is bloody cheap but I expect that from a Snakeoil Salesman like you.
Originally posted by cain:
Originally posted by warrior:
supermike if you is one of the ppp crime family that thief the tax payers money.when you go into camp st you will be superdike

Warrior, Supa going nowhere. The man sitting on his backside in a warm and cosy home, probably eating and drinking the best food and liquor and got some $$$ in his pocket, while the poor man in Guyana has nothing to feed his family,holes in his roof and hoping to get his remittance from overseas to help him out.
Supa, like most of the PPP guys here doan really give a shit about the people, they're mentally screwed, can't think for themselves. Again, this is what we call....sheep.