Labba posted:Django posted:Labba posted:Django posted:Labba posted:Hey hey foh afro business but coolie is not foh army...hey hey hey...look all dem ROAR coolie jumbie and coolie bank na give dem peopkle loan money...hey hey love do gooder Mr Ronan muss be celebrate since dem coolie bank doan give dem black peopkle money...hey hey hey...
Who stop them bhai ?? maybe you can write wan paper on the recruiting methods that stymied their enrollment.
De Kabaka did. It was discrimination. Look up de histry of de army ethnic brukdown percent when de British leff abie in the 60s. Hey hey hey...
Suh why dem bhais from FH during their tenure correct what the Kabaka did ?bhai them had 23 yrs,me made wan suggestion that the GPF should reflect the demographics of the regions,me thinks nah me alone seh suh.
Dem bright peopkle like Mr Freddie, Mr Ronan gat a big word dem does use...Faustian bargain. Meh does learn wan wan word fram dem. De PPP under dat evil, wicked sk&^%T Bharrat mek a Faustian bargain. Dem choose personal wealth over what is right. Yuh cyant enrich yuself and family and fren and same time balance military. Black peoppkle would not agree to dat. Yuh need wan grand bargain wid everybady pon de table,,,give and tek,,,Bharrat doan want dat. Hey hey hey...but it doan mean we muss shut up on dis matter? Na?
Nope it have to be kept up front.
Talking bout Bharrat,me thinks he is worsest that was shoved to represent the East Indian in Guyana,well who ah me fuh seh so.