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Reply to "Afro-Guyanese promised easier access to loans, grants; govt to be asked for more money"

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Labba posted:

Hey hey foh afro business but coolie is not foh army...hey hey hey...look all dem ROAR coolie jumbie and coolie bank na give dem peopkle loan money...hey hey love do gooder Mr Ronan muss be celebrate since dem coolie bank doan give dem black peopkle money...hey hey hey...

Who stop them bhai ?? maybe you can write wan paper on the recruiting methods that stymied their enrollment.

Django, let me tell you this. I had a high school friend from one of the villages(I think 67 or 68). He was 5' 10". He passed a couple subjects GCE and applied for a job in the police force. He never heard from them. What does that tell you?

Since he has couple subjects GCE, then he was overqualified for the police force.

Bibi Haniffa