Sheik101 posted:caribny posted:yuji22 posted:Nothing for sugar workers. I wonder why ?
Give them cheap electricity and nothing more. That is what your Jagdeo did to the bauxite workers.
I must say that I'm appalled and dis appointed that a member at your level would say such a thing. Tit for tat, Carib? Is this the best u can offer? So the PPP did it to the bauxite worker therefore its the APNU's turn to do it to the sugar workers. A member with your caliber should have offered a much better response to yuji question. Shame on u, man.
indeed . . . tit for tat is absurd, anti-Guyana and destructive
but how many here cared to reflect on the benign neglect of bauxite workers under the Jagdeo regime
indeed . . . besides LOUD silence, we had (as one example) khristian klansman Seignet holding forth on GNI that the PPP wasn’t inflicting enough sufferation pan dem Linden blackman . . . Biblical curses and all that
fast forward here 2018 . . . everybady getting a come to Jesus moment now that ‘conventional’ wisdom coalesces around abie ox ‘being gored’
i think that’s what caribny is underlining