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Reply to "Afro-Guyanese promised easier access to loans, grants; govt to be asked for more money"

ronan posted:
Sheik101 posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Nothing for sugar workers. I wonder why ?

Give them cheap electricity and nothing more.  That is what your Jagdeo did to the bauxite workers.

I must say that I'm appalled and dis appointed that a member at your level would say such a thing. Tit for tat, Carib? Is this the best u can offer? So the PPP did it to the bauxite worker therefore its the APNU's turn to do it to the sugar workers. A member with your caliber should have offered a much better response to yuji question. Shame on u, man.

indeed . . . tit for tat is absurd, anti-Guyana and destructive

but how many here cared to reflect on the benign neglect of bauxite workers under the Jagdeo regime

indeed . . . besides LOUD silence, some like seignet were holding forth on GNI, to much nodding and amens i might add, that the PPP wasn’t inflicting enough sufferation pan dem Linden blackman . . . Biblical curses and all that

fast forward here 2018 . . . everybady getting a come to Jesus moment now that ‘conventional’ wisdom coalesces around abie ox ‘being gored’

i think that’s what caribny is underlining

Nonsense, the bauxite workers termed the phrase "father of the nation" in reference to Jagdeo with the various safety nets that the then govt put in place to ease their pain. 
