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Reply to "Afro-Guyanese promised easier access to loans, grants; govt to be asked for more money"

Labba posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Iguana posted:
Labba posted:

Hey hey foh afro business but coolie is not foh army...hey hey hey...look all dem ROAR coolie jumbie and coolie bank na give dem peopkle loan money...hey hey love do gooder Mr Ronan muss be celebrate since dem coolie bank doan give dem black peopkle money...hey hey hey...

Daily here y'all preach how black people lazy, stupid, lack business sense, and not good for anything but being a teef man (and you have joined yourself to this crowd with your race baiting posts).

Why do you now have a problem wtih black people trying to set up their own business financing? Indians trade freely among themselves and support they mattie, why is it wrong for black people to do the same?

My primary school teacher, a very good black man who became the headmaster of the school asked me "Bai, since when black people can run any business successfully"? Let's see how many of them will take the money and sport up and wine down. They see free money, why not take it and run? Abie deh pun tap now. Dem nah guh ask back fuh de money. Abie own peeple.

Yea...doh is exactly why dem rural coolies will suffer. Ayoo tink blackpeople doan own business. Blackman was de first real estate trada in British time. Dem coolies was in dem logies. Hey hey hey...

Labba_man, dem coolie bin ugly, but dem nah bin sthupid. Dem learn and look wah happen today. Dem black peeple ah look fuh handout. The last time Burnham built houses for them in Scotsburg, they used the walls to cook. The area has been reclaimed by coolie cane cutters...some big houses.
