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Reply to "Afro-Guyanese promised easier access to loans, grants; govt to be asked for more money"

These topics must be discussed during the next election and the PPP must bring up these injustices that Indos and Natives Face. 

PNC is displaying blatant pre 1992 racism and they try to label anyone who challenges them. The are labelling all Indos as wife abusers, thieves and drug smugglers and Indos do not dare bring up Social Ills, it is branded as racist. 

They are branding Indos and when Indos fight back, they are muzzled PNC Apartheid style. 

Look at how Broomes have been shielded by Granger despite her attacking and harassing Security Personnel. I am sure that she will be in charge of securing Ballot Boxes.

What is good for the goose is good for the gander. PPP must NOT waste their time and resources on certain group of voters and focus on the Native Votes and a few Douglas and they will cross the line with a Massive Indo turnout.

In the meanwhile, Linden continues to receive Billions in subsidies and now this news of massive subsidies and assistance exclusive to Afros only.

Sugar workers and their families are going to bed hungry belly and white mouth is returning pre 1992.

Time to speak out !!!!! PNC pre 1992 Apartheid has returned !!!!!!!

Last edited by Former Member