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Reply to "Agri sector poised to become Guyana’s life spring - Minister Ramsammy"

Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Tola:
It looks like Ramotar pulled names out of a hat when he appointed ministry positions....Ramsammy did a poor job in health and will do worst in agriculture.

He is a front page news man...big talk and little action...The first off the gate and first program that will die immediately afterwards.
In 2006+ he came out strong with front page news about suicide prevention, formed a national prevention committtee that vanished into thin air and today, more than ever, more youth are taking their own lives in Guyana.
His big talk about suicide prevention, also committed suicide.

keep you frigging trap shut.. Indians are the back bone of the agrcultural industry in guyana. We are the bread basket of the Caribben. We are doing just fine.. Why you go to your PNC buddies and joim them in the srtreet. That's all they are good for. Destroying what the coolieman has built.

Rama, me keep telling you ova and ova...its not good for you to start drinking so early in de morning. It make you talk plain stupidness.

Ramotar make the sugar industry a basket case in Guyana, now Ramsammy who dont know which end of the cutlass to hold to cut cane, is asked to turn round the Skeldon factory, but will instead make the agri industry the biggest shit-hole, with more unemployment.
Everybody and dem dag, including Rab-Bart, failed the sugar industry. They must live in neva neva land to think Ramsammy, with no agri experience, will do better.

The PPP see losing votes two election in a row, to care less about the average person in Guyana...The same bunch of thieves were shuffled around the minsitries. All they care about is filling their pockets. They must be pissed, now there will be some accountability in parliament.

If Ramsammy did such a good job at health, why are so many youth in Guyana still commiting suicide ?
He is one of those people with a US visa, who will leave Guyana immediately,when the PPP lose the election.