Read the Chronicle. Seems to be all supporters of the AEIR. GTU and PSU pictures .Over 50% of teachers are from other ethnic groups and they can't even have a semblance of representation. Reminds me of the Hoyte presidency when 16 nursery school teachers were selected to go on an overseas trip and all of them were from one ethnic group. History repeating itself = all or nothing . . .
my request is simple; but you are such a practiced lil skont on the make, u pull up yuh panty quick quick and run away like the true antiman we have come to scorn on this BB
i didn't ask you for a bloody editorial . . . and please don't be an ass by bleating that i go cure your failing? by "read[ing] the Chronicle"
ha ha ha ha typical of your kit and kin buse and cuss out, shows the level of your kaka head, tek off your black bully KKK racist blinkers an see the light. By the way me a yuh anti man fuh all yuh anti dem - Doris, Bernice, Gladys. Aha aha.