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Reply to "All or nothing- Expect to see more of this"

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

95% of the civil service under the PPP were Africans 85% of all the supervisors and managers were Africans.  Where is the racism?

And 80% of those with LEADERSHIP functions were Indians.  They set policy, made decisions, and were quick to replace any black person who didn't do as they were told, with an Indian.


So now the PPP is finished, and we now look to see who headed state controlled agencies. In most cases # 1, 2, and 3 INDIAN!


Guyana under the PPP was a slave plantation, except that the Indian replaced the white man at the top.


You are a sick mind. YOUR HATRED RUNS DEEP....too deep for you to be a rational person.

You never answer my question about your own attitude towards Indian.

You are an Idiot to believe that Indos control the kind of power you are talking about...

The lowly Indian manager may be # 1,2 and 3....but the power he has can never be compared to the power Blacks have enjoyed since Independence...the power they control in the military, police  and civil service...even during the 23 stop your barefaced nonsense...the more you spew, the more you reveal yourself to be an anti East Indian racist and an Indian basher...


You blame the entire Indian population for being racist because they voted for Jagdeo?...they, like blacks, voted for a party, as they have done over the years.


I dont know you from a hole in the wall...but, the BS you have been spewing here is the basis for the the kind of response you get from belong,to the older generation of Guyanese who cant seem to shed their racist scars...


i am glad the younger generation of Guyanese are wiser and are moving away from this kind of race hate... 




I am the one that said Indians are the one with the strict cultural prohibitions about race. I said no other ethnic group has similar cultural fences.


In a competition for scarce resources ( and resources are eternally scarce) these these prohibitions (  reluctance to mixed group formation)facilitates rather than mediates marginalization. It causes resentment to those shut out.  It produces machinations to overcome that by any means ( when rational processes are not being entertained by the political community) It results in rigging as we seen in the Burnham regime or special clauses to exclude Indian hegemony as in Fiji.


Ignore these at your own disadvantage. If Indians do not accept that they can be eternally at a disadvantage in the present system they will join in the appeal for constitutional change. They should not let their cultural disposition for cultural insularism act against them  in the futile hope that the PPP gets back into power under the same system.


That is paddling up stream. The numbers are just not there to sustain such a revival of the PPP as and indian only party. The shoe is on the other foot now and it bites hard. Those fearing indians are now huddling to ensure their exclusion. It is our eternal problem...racism and arbitration of our political power structure by race. I hope you can see it and get out of the crab box.

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