learn to spell . . . it's never too late for night skool
Ok, so I missed the 'A' in glaucoma. Like you just got back from bra shopping with one of your female relatives. What did you get a size "all"?
At least I know how to spell negroes.
Even when you get kicked in the nuts for being pedantic with formal writing you deflect with your usual instrument of choice, racism. Man wake the f.uck up. You are days from the tomb and still carrying the burdens of naked prejudices.
Go back to grating and squeezing cassava and shut your cunny up. I am surprised that you saved us the pain of going through your verbose hogwash that says "nuttin".
Sorry...your wish does not make my reality. I was born to the pickney of the bakraman, the one you logie dwellers ran left and right to crying sahib sahib....I guess you like being insulted. "Cunny" is Scott-irish colloquialism...even here you cannot strive to be original and authentic.