I am the one that said Indians are the one with the strict cultural prohibitions about race. I said no other ethnic group has similar cultural fences.
You have raised this point as have I. It would be better for the assorted Indians on GNI, at least the ones who represent themselves as moderate and intelligent (VVP, VishM, and Kari) to debate this point. TK has spoken out on this and has been called a "dirty Indian" and self hating.
But they purposely avoid discussion of this, except to scream that any mention of this is anti Indian. They refuse to see that perceptions of ethnic exclusivity is at the core of the African ethnic insecurity dilemma. The African looks at the Indian and sees;
1. A group which excludes them, because they aren't Indian, and so are outsiders.
2. A group which gives priority to a sense of nationality as Indians, living in a geographic space celled Guyana, and therefore doesn't see a common fate, or reasons to cooperate with the other people who live in that land. So again they exclude.
3. They see a people who peddle the myth of "bad black man, good Indian", and so refuse to admit that Indians are as guilty of fomenting our ethnic distrust and the resulting dysfunctional political system, as are Africans.
4. They see Indians therefore playing a game of ethnic exclusion against non Indians, while simultaneously pretending that it does not exist.
Result is that there is a ground swell among segments of the black population for the APNU to give preference to Africans to allow them to make up ground lost during the PPP era.
So VishM can seriously look at the PPP (which described itself as a "coolie party"), which did its best to squeeze out blacks from decision making roles, rendering blacks as dependent on an Indian dominated system, and then wail that Indians were powerless in the 23 years of PPP rule.
He refuses to listen to the vast majority of blacks in Guyana who so they were powerless, excluded, felt that they were victims of a slow holocaust, and feel glad that they can once again be part of how Guyana functions.
Given all of this, on what moral ground does VishM demand fairness, when he screams that not only was the PPP not fundamentally focused on the exclusion of Africans from top leadership slots. But that Africans were dominating Guyana then.
The notion that those who run CJIA (top 3 were Indians) are afraid of the immigration officers is a huge JOKE! That those who ran G/twn Hospital, again top positions were Indians, as was the Minister of Health, were scared of the nurses is a JOKE!
Vish Mahabir, when you are ready to discuss the role of the Indian in creating Guyana's ethnic morass then you have the moral authority to demand that Granger be fair.