GAWU membership is about 95% Indo and you are correct the leadership is mostly Indo. But can you explain the GTU with over 50% of teachers from other ethnic groups and there is presently no diversity in their leadership. Perhaps you may want to visit the GTU hall on Woolford Ave. and you can't help but notice the pictures of all past presidents hanging on the wall.
indeed, i have no issue with the ethnic composition of GAWU's leadership . . . that's the point fool
perhaps you can enlighten us as to why the 'diverse' GTU and PSU memberships vote in an overwhelmingly Afro leadership!
the check off for union dues in the Public Service was terminated by Jagdeo's regime as "contract worker" policy was leveraged brutally to dilute union power . . . please provide an ethnic breakdown of paid-up PSU members who elected the present "too Afro" leadership
now, help abee understand how President Granger and Minister Harmon meeting with elected leaders of the PSU and the GTU become occasion for your antiman wailing and hand wringing over blackman tekkin "all"