Two wrongs dont make a right.
Aaah, but you only figured that out after May 11th. Had the PPP won and continued to ethnically exclude I am confident that you wouldnt have been concerned, and in fact would have only criticized the Africans who made that point.
Until folks like you show contrition, you simply empower those who now feel that it is their turn to benefit. In their opinion, if the PPP returns, they expect similar exclusion, as occurred before May 11th, and they expect Indians like you to keep quiet about this.
Those Indians who werent vocal about racism BEFORE May 11 look like hypocrites now. Really cannot recall too many Indians accusing the PPP of racism PRIOR to May 11th. Can you?
I see you ignoring the rest of my comment...
Maybe I am late to this game...the election made me more conscious about Guyana. I am trying to read and learn as much as I can about Guyana's history.
However, I am confident to repeat that 2 wrongs is not = right. If this government campaigned on CHANGE then they should set the standards. Do you see how ridiculous it sounds when on the one hand Jagdeo and the PPP are attacked as racists and then the US is telling us that Granger is an east indian racist?
Granger should break the racial cycle. But soupies like you are not helping the situation. There are anti-Blacks out here, but YOU, based on your comments here is likewise an "Anti East Indian Racist" Granger.
I have looked at your other comments...unless I missed it, I cannot find a single positive comment made by you about Indians. That makes you and an East Indian racist and an Indian basher....but your blinkers makes you immune from seeing the good in any Indians here.