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Reply to "Allah Ho Akbar! Today We Celebrate the 18th Death Anniversary of That Daag Cheddi Jagan"

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Let me be blunt; jagan was a myopic, naive, individual of low esteem to allow himself to be led by the nose by his wife who was a communist harpy. Never has so much rested on the shoulders of a man who stumbled so completely that he left a nation for almost seven decades struggling to lift itself up.


  We are in the shi.t we are because he did not think of people and their problems but was enthralled by the ideals of authoritarianism. The man named his kid after the worlds worse mass murderer of his own people. How bright us that. I would say piss on his grave if he had one. The idiot give us no leadership from beginning to end.  

Why you do haul you skrunt Storm Born.  Jagan was a good man.
