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Reply to "Allah Ho Akbar! Today We Celebrate the 18th Death Anniversary of That Daag Cheddi Jagan"

Shaits you have good points about Dr. Jagan but you impugn your case indeed with the daag references. That's for politicians and that's when one to be rhetorical.


Indeed Dr. Jagan left Guyana with a political organization that has exercised governance in a oligarchic and kleptocratic manner. He also did give critical support guided by a misplaced love affair with a political form that is anathema to his ethnic base. You can also say he authored the migration of Indians because of a lack of support for his base.


What you have to bear in mind though is that the same political Dr. Jagan made some landmark social and political changes to Guyana - the way that the British Civil Service shut out Hindus and Muslims; organizing for better labor conditions for sugar workers; education for the masses when it was for the privileged elite (think Queen's College and the birth of the University of Guyana); voting rights for women and those without economic means; etc. I'm sure others here can speak to the colonial r. Jagan.


It champions your bitter disappointment though by employing terms we can digest rather than "daag" and "coolie". I know they are colloquialisms and not mean-spirited, but when you market a product or service you have t make it attractive, and thus in this case the lexicon of those who do not need convincing but those who are already convinced. I'm sure you'd like to address the skeptics rather than the choir.
