GTAngler posted:Mars posted:Bibi Haniffa posted:Mars posted:The PNC has a smaller base than the PPP so of course it's difficult for them to win on their own. However, the PPP no longer has a majority of the electorate under their spell to follow them blindly so a coalition of the other parties is evenly matched against the PPP. It has nothing to do with any Massa. Take your licks like a man, regroup and come back without your corruptocrats and maybe you can win again. 2015 just happened to be the year that Exxon announced that they found oil off Guyana's coast. The Venezuelans want to own that oil and three quarters of Guyana so they ramped up their claims to Guyana's territory and resources. The Brooklyn people were doing their duty as patriotic Guyana to oppose Venezuela's aggressive behavior against Guyana. It's a pity that the PPP are behaving like traitors and want to sleep with the enemy. Yes, Venezuelans are no friends to Guyana. They want to take what we own by hook or by crook.2015 just happened to be the year that Exxon announced that they found oil off Guyana's coast.
"2015 just happened to be the year that Exxon announced that they found oil off Guyana's coast." Strange coincidence that???
And if Venezuela wanted to take Guyana by hook or by crook it would not have been a 200 year old story. Dem woulda use dem hook and crook and today you would been hablando espanol!
They are using by hook and by crook to take most of what belongs to us. If we weren't fighting them diplomatically in the international arena, they would probably be there already. We can't depend on y'all rotten ropes in the PPP who would sell out our country to Venezuela just for spite because you got your ass whopped at the polls. We must fight the good fight and not let the bullies invade and take what belongs to us. Not a blade of grass!
There are so many angles to this. First, while I am not surprised, I am ashamed and appalled at the cavalier attitude of some. Reminds me of the early 80's when the government was selling Defense Savings Bonds. The attitude among Indo-Guyanese, and I am generalizing here, was "bettah leh dem Spanish man tek ova". .
Listen banna, is the 70s/80's Indo-Guyanese existed in a state of servitude under PNC Afro-apartheid. Indians were persecuted on the streets and prosecuted in the courts on trumped-up charges. Many Indians sought a way out, some very desperate, many ran to Venezuela so what the heck.
If you are being chased out your own home, then what do you care what happens, the bank could take it. So before you talk sh1t, shut your mouth and engage your brain.