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Reply to "America's northern state taking the fight to ISIS...."


You think Israel is the US closest ally in the Mideast?
Forget that thought. 
Since 1915, Saudi has been the West's strongest ally. The ties are too close. Saudi Arabia will never do anything wrong in the eyes of the U.S. and Britain.  Forget human rights there, won't happen.  Here are some food for thought.
Did you know there have been several attempts at rebellion against the Saudi monarchy?  Guess who supplied support and arms to keep them on power?
Did you know Al Quaeda was created in 1991 to target the Saudi Royal family?  
The funniest one is...did you know that Abd Al-Aziz ibn Saud was knighted by the Queen?   Hehehe, Sir Fullah
The US was dragged into the ISIS conflict by Saudi Arabia who are scared shitless of losing their kingdom.  Do you think US and Canada are there for humanitarian reasons?  Forget that thought again.