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Reply to "America’s Richest (and Poorest) States"

Miami city tropical view, Florida38. Florida
> Median household income: $49,426
> Population: 20,271,272 (3rd highest)
> 2015 Unemployment rate: 5.4% (20th highest)
> Poverty rate: 15.7% (16th highest)

The typical Florida household earns $49,426, well below the national median income of $55,775. The housing crisis slammed Florida harder than most states. While home values in the state rose from $162,700 in 2014 to $179,800 in 2015, the value remains $10,000 below the national median value of $194,500.

Wages rose across the nation and in most states, but the distribution of that income has worsened. Income distribution in Florida is especially unequal — the Gini coefficient pegs the state fifth worst for income inequality.
