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Reply to "America’s Richest (and Poorest) States"

Montana ghost town, dirt road

37. Montana
> Median household income: $49,509
> Population: 1,032,949 (7th lowest)
> 2015 Unemployment rate: 4.1% (12th lowest)
> Poverty rate: 14.6% (24th highest)

The typical Montana household earns $49,509, well below the national median income of $55,775. While household income is lower than the national income level, home values in the state are relatively high. The median value of a home in the state is $209,500, higher than the national median home value of $194,500.

The percentage of Montana adults who have at least a high school diploma increased to 93.5%, now the highest share of any state. The state’s bachelor’s attainment rate of just under 30% is inline with the national attainment rate.
